Research & Publications
Dentistry Journal: A Novel Ergonomic Curette Design Reduces Dental Prophylaxis-Induced Muscle Work and Fatigue
Hygiene: Evaluating the Ergonomic Performance of a Novel Periodontal Curette with Adaptive Handle Design
Dentistry Journal: Effect of a Novel Adaptive Handle Design on the Ergonomic Performance of Periodontal Curettes in Dental Hygienists with and without Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Pilot Clinical Study
RDH: Adaptive Handle Design May Provide Ergonomic Benefits
Annual Meeting of the ADHA
Annual Meeting of the IADR
Dentistry Journal: A Novel Ergonomic Curette Design Reduces Dental Prophylaxis-Induced Muscle Work and Fatigue
Journal of Oral Medicine and Dental Research: Effect of Handle Design and Material on the Ergonomic Performance of a Dental Sickle Scaler